• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 15, 2019

    Batman Arkham This whole subreddit if a new Batman game is not announced at the VGA’s

    Batman Arkham This whole subreddit if a new Batman game is not announced at the VGA’s

    This whole subreddit if a new Batman game is not announced at the VGA’s

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    This whole subreddit if a new Batman game is announced at the VGA’s

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    It really do be like that

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    I am the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises...

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    If WBM is making an AO sequel, they better take us back to South Gotham

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    This sub's reaction to World News

    Posted: 15 Sep 2019 02:49 AM PDT

    Such a beautiful game. Work of Art.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    When you hear that the Riddler is back

    Posted: 15 Sep 2019 03:44 AM PDT

    September 21 maybe an answer will come on batman 80th birthday

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    TIL if you go back to Panessa Studios after the Cloudburst battle, Batman tells Robin that Barbara died.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    I can't believe I haven't found this yet. 4 freaking years after the games release.

    submitted by /u/DrakeMartian
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    [Sceernshot] Father and son

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 04:35 PM PDT

    We need a new Arkham game

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 10:59 PM PDT

    Took a screenshot of the first Scarecrow apparition in Asylum.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Just beat arkham city for the first time.....in one sitting!

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    I'm speechless about how to praise this game and every second left me wanting more. On to arkham origins!

    Took about 11 hours to complete the story+some riddler trophies 😴😴

    submitted by /u/Tackling_problems
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    What the Arkham community is going through is comparable to the Fallout community before FO4

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    Looking back on old Fallout community history, I noticed that they were in the same spot as we were, before Fallout 4 was announced.

    The Fallout community would get hyped and hopeful every single gaming event that Fallout 4 would be announced there, even begging Bethesda to reveal it. Every time, they'd get disappointed and people would tell others that it's not coming and to stop hoping.

    Just like what's happening in the Arkham community. We have hope every event that the next Arkham game will be announced there and then it doesn't get revealed and we all end up disappointed. There's people who keep saying it's never coming and to stop getting hopeful.

    This is like some viscous gaming cycle.

    submitted by /u/ArkhamIsComing2020
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    Terrible graphics

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 11:54 PM PDT

    Purchased the return to Arkham collection on ps4. Arkham asylum looked gorgeous, even better than I remember on ps3. Once I beat the game and moved on to Arkham city however, it looks down right bad lol. Screen tearing and framerate reminds me of a ps2 game. Has anyone else noticed this?

    submitted by /u/DamashiD
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    Guys all these new rumors and hints and teases towards a new game is like an addiction.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 11:22 PM PDT

    Whatever WB Montreal is working on we can expect it on December 12 at The Game Awards and hopefully we will have more teases on the road there. I'm hoping like a couple smaller but good hype building teases and then eventually one or two giant teases around Halloween to November on the way to the big reveal. Maybe something that almost confirms the new game or title. Preferably from Patrick Redding or Roger Craig Smith maybe? I know alot of people aren't certain yet but there are multiple things that stand out that still give me hope. For example the very detailed concept art that was taken down portraying Batman fighting the court of owls. That and also the whole redacted "best Dev team ever" with the court of owls shirt thing. There is just too many teases for nothing to be happening. Anyways I'm extremely excited being an Arkham fan since six years old (I'm 14).

    Thanks for letting me ramble. Love you guys.

    submitted by /u/shutyourup1
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    Any unpopular opinions

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Can be about anything from overrated titles to underrated characters. Marking this as spoiler just in case your opinions involve spoilers.

    submitted by /u/BradFlintstone
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    A tip for dealing with ninjas in Arkham Knight

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    If you're sick of them dodging your attacks, vault over them and hit them from behind. The vault stuns them for a second and disables their counter!

    submitted by /u/MasculineMonkeyMan
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    A badass shot������

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    anyone know of a 100% guide for arkham knight?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    i recently downloaded the game from ps plus and i am ready to begin the long journey for the platinum trophy and discover every little thing this game has to offer.

    Does anyone know of the best written guide for the game? i will only use youtube videos when im stuck

    thank you !!

    submitted by /u/mipalo2boca
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    Ideas for Arkham origins 2?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 06:40 PM PDT

    Some Ideas I came up with will existing:

    1. A living city, with people walking around, no longer like origins or knight where there's no one there, just criminals, but there's people that can get mugged throughout the city and you have to help them
    2. The bat mobile, but this time it's only drivable, so that means no tank version, so you can traverse great distances quickly and chase criminals escaping in cars
    3. Wayne manor and the bat cave fully interactive, what I mean is, is keep the bat ace system from origins but also have Wayne manor as a place to visit and maybe have the bed as a save spot
    4. The story not having the god damn joker as the main villain but as someone who can help you out in a way
    5. Robin, motherfreaking robin, a character who you can interact with, switch characters to and play as him, and just have fun with him
    6. And the final Idea is.... no more riddler trophies. How about have pages from the court of owls that detail stories through surveillance through the years and maybe have like 100 of them, or literally anything but the riddler trophies and the amount there is

    I don't want to get anyone's hopes up about the game, but if it comes out and at least four of these ideas are in it I will be so god damned happy, and maybe you will to , so let me know

    submitted by /u/Dankulus_Memeulpus
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    Since the Suicide Squad game is cancelled...

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 06:03 PM PDT

    Since the Suicide Squad game is cancelled...

    Is all that foreshadowing just dead? I mean we had Amanda Waller recruiting Deathstroke, and then the entire Arkham Origins: Blackgate came was about Waller orchestrating the creation of the Suicide Squad. But since the game that was supposed to follow up to these teases got cancelled, is that all just for nothing?


    Deathstroke heading up the Suicide Squad, CCH Pounder back as Amanda Waller, Rick Flag, Bronze Tiger?? I wanted all that lol. But sadly, I think it will never come to fruition.


    We know Batman and Deathstroke only encountered each other twice, and both of those times were seen on screen (AO and AK) so clearly Batman never faces off against him and the Squad. It's my understanding the SS game was supposed to have the members playable, but clearly that's not happening anymore, so is there any way this storyline can be salvaged? I'd hate for it to just get dropped.


    The only way I can think of to pick this storyline back up without contradicting the existing games is to have maybe Robin face off against Deathstroke and the Squad without Batman. Maybe that could be a solo storyline, or even game (extremely unlikely but whatever). Maybe while Batman is off investigating the Court of Owls, Dick Grayson can fight Slade and the other Squad members, and have his own little storyline. That would keep him busy, make good on the Suicide Squad promises made in previous games, and could even serve to show Dick "coming into his own."


    Deathstroke and the Robins have had beef in many stories. Deathstroke is a common enemy of the Teen Titans, who are headed by, you guessed it, Robin. So that's kind of my only idea as to how this whole plot thread can be saved without spinning off into other games (which was the original plan, but never came to pass). I'd hate for the whole thing to just get forgotten. Especially since the Suicide Squad is a hot commodity these days, you know?

    And don't say Assault on Arkham solves anything, cause that was a random animated movie they came up with that kind of has nothing to do with anything. Deathstroke wasn't even in it, so it doesn't deliver on the promises made in AO and AOB. I still liked that movie a lot, but it doesn't answer any of the questions i'm asking lol.

    submitted by /u/Wyldfyre-Quinn
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