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    Saturday, September 14, 2019

    Batman Arkham Love is deserved for both games!

    Batman Arkham Love is deserved for both games!

    Love is deserved for both games!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 07:19 PM PDT

    I don't like Blackgate very much

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    Just finished arkham asylum for the first time!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    What a fantastic game. I had so much fun playing this and the overall atmosphere was amazing.

    Now on to Arkham City!

    submitted by /u/Tackling_problems
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    Why do people dislike Knight?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 09:50 PM PDT

    I feel like the only thing that people complain about is the Batmobile and the story. As for the Batmobile, personally I enjoyed it, some of the missions did get repetitive but it didn't take away from the fist combat and stealth missions. Now as for the story, in my opinion it was the best crafted and executed, each move and each line is perfectly placed, every mission has a connection to the main story and it's the first time that you actually feel it. Scarecrow as a main villain is a good change and the fact that throughout the story you are playing as the Joker is more and more enjoyable. Now The Arkham Knight, the most impressive thing about him is, even if you didn't like his fights, even if you didn't like the reveal (or if it was too obvious), the fact that you're fighting such a useless character is making it so much more immersive. Let me explain, Knight is no more than a sidekick to Crain, each move that he does will lead you to Crain or will have connection to him, you are not fighting a character, you're fighting another goon, and the fact that people will keep talking about it is amazing in my eyes, it is what makes the Knight involved in the story.

    It's just a bit of how I feel about the game, I would like to hear opinions from the other side / have a discussion about it. It's an amazing game in my opinion but its good side got lost underneath the hatred.

    submitted by /u/z9fd4
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    Scale of 1-10. What would your hype for Arkham Origins 2 be?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 07:36 PM PDT

    Mine would be 11/10.

    submitted by /u/ArkhamIsComing2020
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    And yet another victim of THE Jumpscare....

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    Something tells me I need my REC gun.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Atleast we now know it’s happening?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 10:06 PM PDT

    Stuck on the fan part of the mission to find Oracle...I remote controlled and pressed the button with the bat rang but I cant find the proper exit...help?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 03:43 AM PDT

    Announcing new Arkham game at the VGAs

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 01:08 AM PDT

    With the date for the VGAs recently and all the teases we've have from different people to do with an announcement coming soon, do you think we'll get at least the announcement of a new game at the VGAs as it's less than 4 months away and I'd say that sounds like soon to me.... god I hope they do... I need my Arkham fix

    submitted by /u/theolaurent
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    Normally I would just complete everything except Riddler when replaying Knight but I finally decided to collect all his trophies and it’s so satisfying.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 04:24 PM PDT

    I’ve played every main Arkham game except origins, is it worth a play? Also is there specific version I should get, or am I good with just getting it on steam

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    An idea for a new Arkham game.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 10:23 PM PDT

    Its like 1:18 in the morning so sorry if this feels a bit rushed

    I had idea for an arkham game in the perspective of a thug and before you call me out on a similar post about about children of arkham. i had the idea that it would take place during the night that arkham origins takes place. and you as thug. could commit crimes like robbing banks or mugging civilians. while trying to stay out of sight from the police. and batman. and i feel as though batman should be a really smart AI that can tell when someone is committing a crime and if your caught your knocked out game over. And i think that you should have a choice to join criminal gangs and depending on which one you choose depends on your ending you could join penguins crew, black mask, joker,bane,riddler,anarchy,firefly,shiva,and deadshot And if you encounter another gang you would enter combat with the enemy gang. I think how you would get weapons would be to go to the final offer and buy guns from the penguin or steal a gun from thug or police officer. and you kill someone your awareness increases therefore batman will mostly likely track you down easier. there would be segments where you would have to make you way through a predator room without being spotted by batman while he takes out the rest of the thugs. And if another gang offers you to join their group you can switch teams and work for them, but if you refuse that group will try to kill you. I feel as though the game would be sort of like "grand theft arkham" but taking a more serious and story driven plot to it. just an idea. hope you guys enjoy!

    submitted by /u/videogameguy72
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    I'm not convinced it was worth the effort

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 07:58 AM PDT

    Earth by the time WB Montreal announces and releases their new game

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    Arkham Drinking Game

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 05:42 PM PDT

    So I'm working on making a drinking game for the Arkham series. Depending on how fucked up you want to get and what you're drinking, I'd start with one shot/sip every time one of the following occurs:

    • Do something stupid and break a combo at/over x20

    • Die

    • Get caught during a stealth encounter

    • Are in awe at how beautiful the graphics are

    • Something genuinely creeps you out

    • Jump scare gets to you

    • Something makes the game feel dated

    • You take out a named villain

    • Obtain a new gadget

    • Think, "Goddamn we need a new Arkham game."

    • Something happens that makes you reevaluate which Arkham game is your favorite

    • Larger DC universe reference

    • A thug talks shit about Batman

    I'll probably be trying this out tonight with Asylum, and just thought I'd share with y'all. Any suggestions on anything to add or if you think something I listed here occurs too much, let me know.

    Edit: Adding some based on suggestions from friends since this post is dead as hell lol

    • Every time you do something so perfect it makes you feel like Batman, or if Batman actually says, "I'm Batman."

    • Any time you struggle to solve a puzzle/Riddler Trophy/whatever

    • One of the games females is being hot as fuck

    submitted by /u/TheBatman6877
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    A Batman Arkham game about 1966 TV series

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 08:34 PM PDT

    So, everyone has been wanting a new Batman game from Rocksteady, a Origins sequel or something else, but imagine this: An open-world game set entirely on 1966´s Gotham City where you wall-climb buildings while Rocksteady developers look out the window. You could drive the 66´s Batmobile, and every time you hit a thug there would be a "POW!" "ZOK!" THUNK" sign above their heads. When you finish a combo, instead of doing that animation he does, Kevin Conroy would do his best Adam West Impression and say: "Till´ next time, abominable outlaws!"

    There would be a level similar to the Arkham City Museum one, but instead of punching shark, you use the Anti-Shark Bat-Spray, wich makes him explode, of course.

    There would be a side mission where you fight Zsazs in this game, but instead of a crazed, psychopathic killer, he is a random guy who draws with permanent ink on people´s faces and them himself.


    submitted by /u/andreyloverofmythos
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    The Arkham Knight DLC are the absolute worst

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    The Arkham Knight DLC are the absolute worst

    Hello there, welcome to my TED Talk, today I will talk about why the Arkham Knight DLC are the worst things to come out of the series.

    So let's start at the beginning: Arkham Knight, the most hyped game in the series and the one that changed things forever.

    This game was hyped to death, and with good reason, Arkham City had not only set the bar incredibly high but it had also set-up so many incredible things for the sequel like Hush and the Death of Joker. This game also took an incredible amount of time to develop, with it being 4 years apart from Arkham City.

    So what happened? Well... the game ended up being pretty good yet controversial, the tank sections were repetitive and awful, but the combat, stealth and dual gameplay sections were awesome. The side-mission were often repetitive and underwhelming (Two-Face and Hush for ex.), but they were also incredibly fun and intrieguing (Riddler, Man-Bat and Firefighters for ex.), the story had some pretty stupid yet entertaining plot-lines (Panessa Studios for ex.), but it also had the greatest moment in the entire series with Batman's death.

    Batman's Death is the most important moment in the series because it represent the ending of this one, the fact that Batman had to sacrifice himself because of his own mistakes (lying to Gordon, Locking up Robin) was great since this wasn't Batman being beaten... It was him trying to get a shot at redemption.

    Batman preparing himself for the Knightfall protocol

    So, how does this all relate to the Arkham Knight DLC? Well, because this is the reason why the AK DLC is the absolute worst thing to have ever existed in the Arkham franchise. Worst than Arkham Origins: Blackgate, worst than Arkham City: Lockup, just the worst.

    But why? Well, because the AK DLC I'll be talking about (Nightwing, Robin, Red Hood and Catwoman), takes place after the ending of AK, the ending where BATMAN F*CKING DIES. So you may think the DLC would try it's best to show what happened to Gotham after this, did crime fall because Gordon became mayor? We don't know. Did some criminals retire after Batman's death since they had no longer any purpose? Beats me. Did the city fall into an apocalyptic state after the death of Batman? I'll be damned, because I have no idea!

    This DLC could have been the greatest thing ever! It was the first time the Batfamily got a chance at the spotlight, we clould have explored the past of everyone with Batman, what everyone thinks of him, the influence he had on Gotham! But no, we just got some overrated and overpriced Challenge Maps disguised as story DLC.

    the biggest offender of this

    And I know what you may be thinking, "this can't be possibly worse than Arkham Origins: Blackgate". But it is, why? Because Arkham Origins: Blackgate had no purpose, no matter if it was the best or worst Arkham Game it would still just be filler. But this? This is incredibly important, and I wholeheartedly believe it's the reason for which so many fans still want a new Arkham game instead of letting the series rest in peace. This isn't a satisfying ending, and it has left us wanting more Arkham when we really don't need anything more.

    So, I hope I may have shown you how awful and unacceptable this DLC is, but what do y'all think about this? Is the DLC as bad as I say? Is it really the reason fans still demand an unnecessary new Arkham game? Please, feel free to share what you think.

    submitted by /u/Toniosw
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    A little trick for Arkham Knight in case you don´t wanna gride trought finding all the trophies.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    Before I even do his sidequest when he appears on the boards in Miagani Island, I find all the trophies I can before I even do one of his trials. It works pretty well, if you don´t wanna catch them all after that.

    Edit: I sayed "grind" on the title, sorry.

    submitted by /u/andreyloverofmythos
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    A couple of questions about Arkham Knight

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    I love this game but there's a few things that don't quite make sense so I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on it.

    1) Batman was infected with Jokers blood in arkham knight, but I thought he cured himself at the end of arkham city? Was it just a cure for the titan or what, this doesn't make sense.

    2) He's got Robin working on the Joker infected patients to try and find a cure. Henry Adams is assumed to be the key because he hasn't shown any signs of infection, but what about himself? Batman is also infected and hasn't shown any signs of Jokerness apart from his dream in Batman Arkham VR which is just a dream. Why does he assume Henry Adams is the key when he himself seems immune to Jokers blood until exposed to Scarecrows fear toxin.

    Am I missing something or are these just plotholes?

    submitted by /u/Evowen7
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    Who Are Your Top 10 Villains from the Arkham Series?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 08:17 PM PDT

    Let's face it, the various villain in the Arkham series are what truly make the game. Each having a unique boss fight and just being overall awesome! Some act as full antagonists while others fight you head on. Here are my top 10 favourite villains from the Arkham series!

    10.) Mad Hatter (Arkham City, Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight)

    He truly acted as a terrifying psychopath. Loved his boss battles, especially when Batman was taken to the horrors of Wonderland.

    9.) Hugo Strange (Arkham City)

    One of the best villains written here.

    8.) Ra's Al Ghul (Arkham City)

    I loved his boss and character.

    7.) Penguin (Arkham City)

    Just a straight up mob boss and a true gangster.

    6.) Scarecrow (Arkham Asylum)

    Scarecrow as the main antagonist in Arkham Knight was a heavy mixed bag for me. However, he was awesome in Arkham Asylum. He was perfectly done and his boss fights were just creepy, especially when he laughs.

    5.) Poison Ivy (Arkham Asylum)

    She was so awesome and perfectly in-character in Asylum. Her boss fight was epic too. Although, her orgasms could be questionable too...

    4.) Bane (Arkham Origins)

    Bane in Arkham Asylum felt like I was fighting yet another regular titan. However, in Origins, not only is he just a badass character who could easily kill Joker if he wanted to, his boss fight is damn excellent! The first time, it is a fun brawl but when he fully uses the titan formula, he becomes a terrifying beast and for a second, I thought I was playing a horror game!

    3.) Deathstroke (Arkham Origins)

    My hype for Deathstroke really did pay off for Origins. His attacks were so precise and there was only one way to beat him, which made the battle against him all the more intense.

    2.) The Joker (Arkham Asylum, Arkham City and Arkham Knight)

    Such an awesome villain, especially being voiced by the legendary Mark Hamill. Just Joker being Joker and he was also a lot of fun in Arkham Knight. Easily the best thing about that mediocre game.

    1.) The Riddler (Arkham City)

    They actually managed to make the Riddler scary! He really acted a lot like Jigsaw with his love for deathtraps and conundrums. He was just so much fun! Sure, collecting the trophies can get tedious, but when you finally get to face the Riddler through his deathtraps, it is all worth it!

    So who are your top 10 villains? :D

    submitted by /u/Daviddv1202
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    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    I've been playing Arkham knight and I've been stuck on the same mission for what feels like forever. The mission where scarecrows toxin is all over Gotham and you have to destroy Arkham knights cloudburst tank.

    submitted by /u/GeorgeK104
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    New game on the Epic store?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    New game on the Epic store?

    hate to create any false hopes but this just popped up on epic game store for the next free game...


    submitted by /u/MadSci99
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