• Breaking News

    Friday, November 5, 2021

    Batman Arkham Idc what anyone says this is my favorite batsuit of all time and I want it in knight.

    Batman Arkham Idc what anyone says this is my favorite batsuit of all time and I want it in knight.

    Idc what anyone says this is my favorite batsuit of all time and I want it in knight.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:19 PM PDT

    Which Batman suit is the best?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    Out of all the playable characters over the series, who was your favorite to use and why?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 06:54 PM PDT

    So we all know freeze is talking about the lazarus pit here because it’s what kept ra’s alive for so long. I have a theory that freeze was considering to put Nora in the pit to save her life. (Note that someone probably already made this, but I haven’t seen it anywhere so I’m posting it)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:46 PM PDT

    What if... Alfred became batman

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    This sub needs its daily Cash blessing

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Does anybody know what is this room? I randomly found it and it's full of calendars and photos of batman with dates. I guess it,s something related to calendar man but I haven't found anything.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Arkham origins concept arts vol2

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    Fun fact I just found 2 minutes ago while playing Arkham city. While retrieving the cure at the steal mill, while you’re in the smelting chamber one of the thugs laughs at a thug you took out because he stole his money, he even kicks his unconscious body.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    Look what arrived in the mail today!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    This is why Arkham origins is my favourite Arkham game

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    How do feel about these suits? I'd love to have these in AK

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Ricky "Loose Lips" LeBlanc was the first lower henchman to have a proper profile in the series, what a legend...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    It’s that time of the year again

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    man when flying

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    Probably the cheekiest way to take down 3 guys

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    "Everywhere i go i see him"

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    What is this thing?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 06:41 PM PDT

    Trophy glitch? So I finally decided fuck it and went for all the Riddler trophies but ones missing on stagg airship, section 1, 3rd middle. People have said its the crate that falls off the ship but I have that and nothing shows on my map just on the riddler grid

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Ranking the Arkham games among the major Batman movies

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    Scarecrow in Arkham Asylum for absolutely no reason

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Drew a sketch of the Joker inspired by the artwork to the right. Someone please let me know the name of the artist and source because I just saw it on Instagram and thought it was cool.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    Went back and decided to beat Arkham Asylum to 100%. 1 down 3 to go.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    I am vengeance!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 12:43 AM PDT

    Can we acknowledge how good this scene looks?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:40 PM PDT

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