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    Tuesday, November 10, 2020

    Batman Arkham When you use a teddy bear as your therapist and it says “stop being a baby”

    Batman Arkham When you use a teddy bear as your therapist and it says “stop being a baby”

    When you use a teddy bear as your therapist and it says “stop being a baby”

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:47 PM PST

    “Sir, expect significant militia resistance”

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Matter of the family was awesome but short

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Saw someone else post theirs and thought I would show you guys mine as well.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:28 AM PST

    Never noticed this before at Panessa Studios. I can keep discovering new stuff from Knight with each playthrough

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:08 PM PST

    Just Beat Arkham Origins Initiation 15/15 for the first time! Man that was lowkey hard considering I hadn’t played an Arkham game in a while. I never realized the endings were different either if you didn’t get complete stars. Overall I’m feelin proud rn. I lowkey like Arkham origins a lot.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:23 PM PST

    Tim is disappointed

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:45 PM PST


    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:10 AM PST

    I Turned Arkham City Into A Comic (Issue 2)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:48 AM PST

    Just Beat Arkham Origins Initiation 15/15 for the first time! Man that was lowkey hard considering I hadn’t played an Arkham game in a while. I never realized the endings were different either if you didn’t get complete stars. Overall I’m feelin proud rn. I lowkey like Arkham origins a lot.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:28 PM PST

    What are you doing, step brute?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    They have spider-cop, so uhhh....bat-cop.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:55 AM PST

    What a great feeling it is...

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Why I didn't like Arkham City's story

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Hello. I didn't like Arkham City's story much. I wanted to make this post for a long time, but lately the City wank has infuriated me beyond belief.

    I really don't understand why people like this story as much as they do. I'm not saying people are wrong for liking it, but I really don't understand it.

    Here's what I don't like about it.

    • The lack of themes or any real meaning.

    This game feels like a theme park and not a story with meaning to it, like a filler MCU movie. It's so devoid of meaning I don't know what I'm supposed to get here.

    The closest thing to a meaning or theme is moral ambiguity about murder and whether we should do it and it's a question that's asked for about a minute with no other build up throughout the story, and then the subject of the theme dies anyway and Batman would've saved him anyway.

    It makes this feel empty and worthless. There was potential to have something interesting here with Hugo Strange, and the titan blood subplot was the perfect opportunity to discuss moral ambiguity but again, it was nothing but an excuse to make hours of boring filler for the game.

    Now on to that...

    • Boring, monotonous, filleerrrrrrr

    This game makes so many excuses to drive away from a main plot point that it ends up making the plot feel like it isn't progressing in the slightest.

    Let me go through the game's events:

    Hugo Strange captures Batman.

    Batman gets Catwoman to find out about Hugo Strange. This is a really poor lead in to Joker's plot, as it has virtually nothing to do with Joker at all thematically or character wise.

    Now we waste ten to fifteen minutes in a church just to find out "oh ok, now we have to find Joker to find out about protocol ten."

    Turns out this doesn't drive the Protocol 10 plot either, in fact, at all really. It's just there to introduce another major plot point; Batman gonna die and so is Joker. So now Batman wastes 4-6 HOURS finding the goddamn cure, while no character progression, themes, plot points, fucking anything are actually happening. It's just a cavalcade of Batman looking for the blood and it's so boring and tedious; all the objectives from now on until Protocol 10 have the exact same goal; get a cure. This is detrimental story wise because it halts the Protocol 10 storyline and leaves no room to progress it; nor does it even do it with Joker. Him and Batman's relationship don't progress at all during this. No villain, or character actually progress during this. Batman doesn't re-examine his own mortality or question himself, it's just "I'm getting a fucking cure." It has no meat to it, Protocol 10 has no urgency anymore because seemingly we just completely forgot about it.

    Then batman goes to meet Ra's and is about to die until he gets a temporary cure... Wait, if Batman is about to die here, why doesn't Joker die at this point? He didn't get a sweet taste of that League juice.

    When we finally get the cure, Mr Freeze decides he wants to murder us for an incredibly contrived reason. Now because of this incredibly contrived fight, the cure is gone. Brilliant.

    Oh and I forgot, Catwoman awkwardly interludes three times to be useless until she can be a plot device to the story by... picking Batman up? She doesn't revitalise him or anything, her aura seemingly just... Wakes him up?

    Overall, the filler negatively impacts the story as a whole by halting character progression and an entire secondary plot.

    • Joker and Strange are.... Eh.

    Joker's really great in the segments he's in, but he's not in it a lot. He barely represents a thematic point until the end. He doesn't particularly challenge Batman ideologically, only physically. He doesn't represent much unlike in Knight, where he represented Batman's fears. It makes him feel underwhelming as a result when he could be used for so much more here.

    Strange? I already explained in another post. I'll link it. Basically he's useless.

    • The plot twists aren't very effective at progressing the plot or characters.

    I don't see how Clayface being a different Joker progresses Batman as a character other than being a surprising and admittedly well built up twist. Batman doesn't re-examine his point of view or have an entirely different perspective on Joker now; it's just an excuse to have a boss battle that isn't a half dead Joker.

    Ra's? Do I even need to explain this? This wasn't hinted at at all, didn't expand the plot or characters in the slightest, and ended up being a wet fart by immediately dying right afterwards.

    Say what you want about how predictable Jason Todd's reveal was; but it changed the plot. Batman re-examined his point of view and finally tried to let an ally help him in the fight and it worked! Jason saved him later on and it wrapped up a character point for Batman and it changed his point of view. Admittedly, it didn't fulfill the other half of what plot twists are supposed to do which is surprise but still.


    • The Joker and Hugo Strange plots don't interconnect at all.

    This doesn't seem like a problem, but this type of storytelling leads to a lack of cohesion as to who is supposed to be the most important here as they don't interconnect so they don't help with the main plot equally (unlike Knight). It makes the story feel confused as what the game is trying to say.

    • Batman's character wasn't good.

    He had no character or any form of development whatsoever here. The only thing I liked was him wanting to save Talia, that foreshadowed a plot point in Knight. He showed absolutely no emotion or depth whatsoever. This pisses me off with several Batman stories (The Long Halloween for one) that write him as a big block of meat that can fight and is logically intelligent

    Anyway that's it bye

    submitted by /u/an_lpenetration
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    Made it my sole purpose in my game to get this bastard first

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:48 AM PST

    I always save the ninjas for last because I think Catwoman looks like a badass fighting them

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:17 PM PST

    I can’t get over how good this game looks; Batman is like the monster watching through your window, the Knight of broken bones and fear.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Simple meme

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:18 AM PST

    I missed this Arkham Origins trailer, but I dig it. I upscaled it to 4K for kicks. Hope ya like!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:09 PM PST

    Unresolved mysteries from the series

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:27 PM PST

    So! Recently, I've decided to do a full playthough of the series again; now is the third time I'm doing it. This time, I'm not going through chronological order, nor through the release one. Thus, I started with Arkham City.

    I'm nearly done with the game (again) and I've encountered some very enticing and interesting mysteries. These are:

    • Zsasz's "friend from Bludhaven," which he mentions as a "he" who helped him encrypt his address, thus making it harder for Batman to locate the base in the Industrial District.

    • Three Jokers? On Batman's first adventure through the Steel Mill, there's that first encounter with the Joker - the "fake Joker gag" one - which ends with Bruce unconscious. However! The Joker sitting on the chair, right next to the crying Harley, is depicted as being dead by the Detective Mode. He also looks like the sick version of the Joker, but not the healthy one, which Clayface impersonates.

    • There is an "Amanda" mentioned in the symbols that Azrael leaves on the church. Who is she? I don't think it's Waller. Here you can see more about it: https://youtu.be/_PBwtdsx92c?t=278. Could be a placeholder, though.

    If you have any answers to these mysteries, please share! However, I think the most enticing thing to do in this psot is to share and talk about other unresolved mysteries from throughout the entire Arkham series.

    submitted by /u/Athefos
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    So you did it. I must admit, I had my doubts that you could make this happen.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    'YoU lOoK sO sTrOnG"

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:30 AM PST

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