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    Thursday, May 14, 2020

    Batman Arkham If you try to hide from Mr. Freeze by circling around an object, he'll realise what you're doing

    Batman Arkham If you try to hide from Mr. Freeze by circling around an object, he'll realise what you're doing

    If you try to hide from Mr. Freeze by circling around an object, he'll realise what you're doing

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:30 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    They gave us a signal!

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Thanks bro

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Oh, so you’re approaching me?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    Did you know that in arkham knight when you grappel boost and Hold the crouch button batman has a special Diving Animation??

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:47 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Never felt sadder

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Imagine if WB Montreal’s new game was just Origins remastered

    Posted: 14 May 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    That would suck

    submitted by /u/penisuckle
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    The thugs are one of the best parts of these games, honestly.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 10:55 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who does like Robin's design in Arkham Knight. I much rather have the Arkham City design.

    submitted by /u/Arkham1217
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    Posted: 13 May 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    I'm a huge fan of this game and the series as a whole. That being said I've played through these games MULTIPLE times and have rarely gotten bored. I feel like Arkham City was one of my favorites because not only could you roam around the city as Batman but you could as Catwoman as well. I personally think that Arkham Knight missed out on this opportunity to integrate more free roam as different characters.

    Recently I've seen that there's a mod to enable free roam as other playable characters from the DLC. I'm a PS4 guy and was wondering if I'd be able to download a mod to do the same thing that PC gamers are able to do. How would I go about downloading said mod.

    If it is possible would it require me to jailbreak my PS4? If that's the case are there any problems that could come from that gameplay wise (with Arkham Knight and any other game).

    I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to these kinds of things so if any of you could help I would greatly appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/Matt32313
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    This is getting fucking stupid (Rant)

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Call me Entitled, a Whiner or whatever I don't give a shit. But WB really screwed the pooch on this marketing. It's been nearly 8 MONTHS since the first teasers came out for this supposed Batman Game and here we are in May and they JUST NOW acknowledge us? It took us spreading a god damn hashtag for them to finally say shit.

    I wouldn't be as annoyed as I am, if they had not released the teasers in September fooling us into thinking news would come soon back then. What's worse is that people are getting HAPPY? For What? Finally doing what they should've done back in fucking September or October? With the way they are wording it, it is questionable if we are even seeing a reveal of this game during the Summer Game Fest. This is Pathetic.

    submitted by /u/Spider-Man222
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    F for our fallen soldier, left in the cold

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    anyone knows a website????

    Posted: 14 May 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    i heard there is A remastered version Of Batman the animated series, where can i watch it??? but i want it for free cuz i don't have my moms credit card hehehehe.

    submitted by /u/OQB-Bomber
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    Completed Arkham Series Thoughts

    Posted: 13 May 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Finally got around to the Arkham series. (Spoilers ahead)

    Couple things I noticed, the Batmobile, Origins and Knight being so vilified was overstated. The Batmobile was awesome as hell, it does change the game a lot, there's not as much of a need to deal with everything with your fists anymore and what made things challenging in previous games, can be handle by the Batmobile in an instant now. But what did you really expect? Batman NEEDS the Batmobile here. Gotham has been taking over by a legit invading army. They have unlimited tanks man. Batman cannot survive without the Batmobile here. So the need to use the Batmobile makes sense. We've never seen a Batmobile done as well or as cool. It switching into a tank is awesome and really makes you feel like a predator. Lore wise, it makes sense that he needs the Batmobile to fight off this threat. His regular incarnation would not be able to get the job done. Now since Rocksteady did all the hard work of making a sick, sick Batmobile, why not use it for Riddler trophies and other things? Does it change the dynamic of the game, sure, but I think it was done appropriately and in a lore friendly way.

    Origins added a lot to the story. Origins stories are usually the best stories, Bane was much more savage, much more of a threat and not so much of a joke. Troy Barker's Joker was as close to Hamill's as you can get and he did a great take. Roger Craig's Batman brought a different element to Batman while not being Conroy level, it was cool to see emotional, awed Batman. Batman's reactions to this new insane threat of the Joker is awesome. Batman's fights with Alfred were awesome. GCPD being corrupt as hell brought a real dark feeling to the game. The game is just much grittier and darker than City, in a good way for a lot of things. It feels more serious and not as cartoony. I liked that. Deathstroke battle was awesome.

    Scarecrow is done very well in Knight. He feels much scarier, looks super cool and ends up being an insane terrorist who accomplishes encompassing all of Gotham in his fear toxin. That was pretty damn awesome. He's not perfect and there's issues there, but Knight is not trash. He unmasks Batman, the public finding out about Bruce is a huge moment, Knightfall is huge and so on. These are all great concepts being brought into reality into the game that go overlooked and receive absolutely zero credit. The conclusion to Ra's story, Mr. Freeze and many others were pretty good. Playing as Batgirl was pretty fun, although the high heel running felt odd. Oh, Barbara shooting herself and Jason Todd's death were all dark and crazy, even though they take it back later, going through the moment itself was earth shattering. The Joker angle is the best play on Joker in the entire series. Having Joker as essentially your companion was super cool. And didn't make him feel as overused as he is. Deathstroke having such a bad follow up sucked. Replacing the Knight just felt forced and after the epic fight with him in Origins, it felt like a real let down to one shot him after the tank battle.

    None of these games were perfect, but they were all great in their own way. I think Asylum and City get too much love and Origins and Knight get too much criticism. They were all great games in their own right and I'm so happy to have played them all.

    submitted by /u/MickeyBarnyard
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    WBM's game has been in development for a minimum of 3+ years

    Posted: 13 May 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I was looking at videos on Youtube and I stumbled upon this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48fB5GhOQtI

    At 5:25 the guy shows a tweet from Jason Schrierer saying that the WBM Batman game was rebooted back in April 2017. And this guy said this was the last he heard it was rebooted, meaning the game may be in development for over 4 years now.

    We know WBM cancelled a Damian game due to leaked concept art, and also inside information says they also cancelled a Suicide Squad game. But now we know the Batman game is likely in development for probably around 3.5-4 years. They started teasing Court of Owls images back in 2018, so I am assuming the game was in development for around 2 years by then.

    The thing is, I looked up on google how long it takes to make a AAA game, and it only takes about 2-3 years for a company with 250 employees. WBM has 300+ employees and has been making the game for 3.5 years minimum. This means the game should be in its finishing stages unless the game is development hell.

    submitted by /u/FluidDistance1
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    What was your reaction to them finally responding to us with that tweet?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    After the recent twitter post I saw this on Instagram can someone explain

    Posted: 13 May 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    DC/Warner Bros Makes No Sense...And the cruz of what frustrates people.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    They tell us a Black Adam movie is in the works before a script, director cast (beyond the Rock) is set...

    They tell us The Three Jokers book is coming long before its done, and the Doomsday Clock work and...and...and...on and on example after example.

    But with their games...they act as if the project doesn't even exist...beyond some bizarre teases months apart.

    That's whats so puzzling to people. It's NO WONDER why the movies have done so badly. They do not have a cohesive group across mediums/platforms.

    submitted by /u/harrier1215
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    what feature should be in the new batman game

    Posted: 13 May 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    these is what i would like to see

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/ConsistentHair6
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    Poor WM Montreal can’t get a UE4 title out the door before UE5 is announced

    Posted: 13 May 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    First can I just say wow, that UE5 tech demo looks awesome. Lighting, debris and sound is incredible. There's a lot there to be excited about seeing as WB DC titles have always favoured Unreal Engine.
    Secondly it's unfortunate that WB Montreal can't get a title out on the current UE engine before Epic Games announces the next. It's crazy to think Arkham Knight runs on a modified UE3.

    With this announcement in mind, how about a proper Arkham remaster on UE5 by a competent studio that knows how to advance a game technically and visually but still respect the original games.

    submitted by /u/OGILoveMarkHamill
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    Skin that should've been in AK

    Posted: 13 May 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    Rocksteady should've included the Batgirl skin from the 1966 series for Xbox only since the Adam West skin is for PS4 only. It wouldn't be a significant difference but at least Xbox players would get compensation.

    submitted by /u/Mel1D
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