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    Wednesday, May 13, 2020

    Batman Arkham When someone says a new Arkham game is coming for the 1858159915828th time

    Batman Arkham When someone says a new Arkham game is coming for the 1858159915828th time

    When someone says a new Arkham game is coming for the 1858159915828th time

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:38 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:19 AM PDT


    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Update: Now if only I had access to City and Origins

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Five years after its release, I finally did it.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    My Stupid Reveal Prediction because were desperate and in the dark.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    The Harley Quinn show referenced Man-Bat's jumpscare from Arkham Knight

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Another day, another empty promise

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    All I see is the Wayne Tower garage and the pillars that I will never not destroy when I’m down there.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT


    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    New game

    Posted: 13 May 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Guys, if we cyberbullied a company to change the whole CGI of one of the characters (Sonic) we can definitely cyberbully WBGames to release the new Arkham game!

    submitted by /u/sheaiscool12e4
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    To Save Ra's or Not

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Saw some pretty decent debate on this topic. Some people saying that giving Ra's the cure is the only true Batman approach. However, I disagree. Batman isn't obligated to give anyone immortality. How is saving Ra's with an immortality elixir any different than saving anyone else? Is Batman responsible for giving anyone who is on their deathbed this "treatment?" Of course not. Batman's job is to save people within the confines of regular life. This is why he saves Joker from falling to death and why he was still willing to give him the cure. Yet, he was unwilling to let Joker gain immortality, even at the cost of his life. So Batman's morals are still being consistent here. Which is also why he does not allow Nyssa to execute him, because that would be killing. He doesn't kill Ra's, he saves him and according to his own daughter, the immortality has changed him and is not bringing back a life, more that it is creating a blasphemous unnatural life.

    So all in all, Batman did not break his "No Kill" rule when he decided to destroy the Lazarus Pit cure. This is the same Batman who said he would destroy the Pit in Arkham City and no one complained then. Ra's being proud of him seemed more genuine than mocking him into breaking his rule. Batman took Ra's away from an unnatural, harmful substance and brought him to normal medical treatment.

    submitted by /u/MickeyBarnyard
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    How Arkham origins broke me.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    So I was in the middle of 100% Arkham origins playthrough. I was working on the Worst Nightmare dark knight track on new game plus. I was stuck on the one were you need four exotic takedowns in on predator encounter. You can only do this in the gotham merchants bank. I managed to do the vent takedown, hanging ledge takedown and corner takedown. But because it was on new game plus I had purchased auto proximity detonation which made it so they were only knocked to the ground and not taken out. I was upset but I still had one more chance to get it right. You go back there in the Deadshot side mission but there was one giant problem. When you go back to an area items will stay the way you left them so if you open the vent that vent stays open. The vent cover was taken off from when I did it the first time meaning I'm not able to perform the vent takedown. You can't restart a new game plus playthrough so the only way for me to get that trophy is for me to restart the entire game. 50 hours of my life gone. Collect 200 riddler trophies, finish all of the challenge maps, do all of the other challenge missions, and playthrough the entire story for nothing. I love arkham origins but I would rather die than do all of that tedious shit again.

    submitted by /u/AnyDockers420
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    Been a big fan of this and the Telltale series

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    which batsuits should be in the new Batman game

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    I mean LOL

    Posted: 12 May 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    To those of you outraged and surprised there was no Tuesday announcement, have you not been paying attention?

    submitted by /u/TomJaff
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    What would you prefer they do with announcing and releasing the new game and why?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    Batman: Arkham Asylum post credit scenes.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    So, when I completed Batman: Arkham Asylum last week, I got the post credit scene with Bane.

    But I saw other post credit scenes with Killer Croc and Scarecrow online.

    How do you get them or does each difficulty has it's own Post credit scene.

    submitted by /u/KingFahad360
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    Help:I am overqualified to be Batman(?)

    Posted: 12 May 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    Ok, so the other day I was playing Arkham Asylum...and I think I got too into it. Whenever I preformed a stealth takedown, I'd whisper something intentionally creepy like "shhhhh...only dreams now." I constantly made cocky jokes to myself about how screwed the lackeys are because of my existence. I didn't feel like the Batman. I felt like THE PREDATOR dressed as Batman. Or, like I was taking over for him because he's got a cold or whatever. I felt too vicious to be a hero, but not villainous to be a total villain.

    Moral of the story: alfred I crave violence

    submitted by /u/OwO-DPooly-OwO
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    Best Game

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    Still enjoying Batman arkham knight😎

    submitted by /u/Galapagol
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    Today doesn't seem like the day, but WB Games sending this out along with WB itself..should we expect Tuesday to be the day WHENever the game is revealed?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    What suits do you guys want to see in the next Batman?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Personally I would love this one. Thoughts?

    billionaire armor

    submitted by /u/Jmanfireball
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    Should I play Arkham Origins?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    I played the Arkham games for the first time last year (Knight was the best), but I missed Origins as I heard it wasn't very good. I've been thinking about it, however, and I'm wondering if I should reconsider? What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/AdmiralHackbar4
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