• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 4, 2020

    Batman Arkham ''Don't keep me waiting!''

    Batman Arkham ''Don't keep me waiting!''

    ''Don't keep me waiting!''

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Just give us the trailer already!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:51 PM PST

    Literally was just walking by and found this on the footpath

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:36 AM PST

    Here we go again.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Riddler hates Batman Arkham Videos

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 05:06 PM PST

    Happy birthday my dude

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:02 AM PST

    Thank you, Arkham

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 02:39 AM PST

    Nightwing you chicken, come face me!!!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:48 PM PST

    This guy needs to play Penguin in a Batman Movie. He’s perfect. 1: Short. 2: Looks like him. 3: English Born. 4: He’s a good villain on BlackList TV Show S5 E8. 6: Name is Jonny Coyne 7: Come DC/WB or who’s making the new movie make it happen.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Anyone else love the character bio sound effect in Arkham Asylum

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:19 PM PST

    I just love the sound effect that plays whenever you unlock a new character bio. It's stuck in my head like the PA announcement tune.

    submitted by /u/ArkhamIsComing2020
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    AC Robin >>>>>>>>>>>> AK Robin

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:39 PM PST

    AK Robin seemed like he was rushed and the proper mechanics weren't added to him making him a slow, heavy character. I kind of thought of him as maybe obviously being in training as Batman's protege but in AC he was quick and snappy in combat and predator so idk. I luv playing Robin a lot in both games just felt like he was disappointing in AK.

    submitted by /u/childzplayyy
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    Gotham's streets are dangerous. [Batman: Arkham knight]

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    What does this mean? Maybe they are revealing something about the game? (Wishful thinking I know)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Warner Bros Montreal Website is supposed to be updated today

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Maybe, just maybe?

    submitted by /u/iamthenight22
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    Batman AO clunky?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:30 PM PST

    Just going through my yearly tradition of playing the Arkham games in order. So. Origins Asylum (on that currently) City Knight.

    But just coming to asylum from origins it feels very much so that Asylum just feels that little bit better in terms of production quality. Everything just seems a tad smoother in everything from animations, fluidity, combat and the predator encounters. Even though it has far less features (considering origins came after city and they supposedly wanted to keep as many features in origins as city had) But for some reason, I can't quite say what it is exactly but the game just feels smoother gameplay wise. I found origins a little jarring and messy. While visually impressive I still find asylum more visually impressive and that's considering also that asylum came out a few years before origins did. Possibly down to the fact that origins is a big sprawling urban environment whereas asylum is a fairly confined location so it appears as though everything in asylum is very detailed while origins left some bits less detailed than others. Still a good job but yeah asylum takes points in that again. Also noticed that for example the rag doll physics in combat are a tad nicer than origins as well. When you whack opponents around they all seem to fall and stumble around a bit more authentic. On origins enemies go flying all over the place sometimes awkwardly and very stiffly bumping into and otherwise colliding with objects. For example throwing opponents into other opponents in asylum looks and feels and sounds so good. The way they all tumble over each other. It's pretty well done. It seems the opponents in asylum have more...joints? Bones? They aren't so stiff , it looks more natural for sure.

    What are other people's thoughts on this? Did origins feel somewhat clunky to you as well? And if so, why? Would be interesting to hear some answers.

    On a side note though, the enemy variations in origins are pretty good. I am still very impressed by the martial artist variant. That was a pretty cool idea to have that in the game. Wish other games did that for sure.

    submitted by /u/Cr4zyK11l3r01
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    Batman Arkham Games

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Hello, I just recently purchased Arkham City, Asylum, and Knight on my PS4. I was wondering if I need to play City and Asylum before I play Knight. I'm gonna play City and Asylum but I wanna play Knight first and was wondering if that would ruin the series. I know Joker dies and was wondering if anything else big that ties in that I should play the games for before Knight.

    submitted by /u/Cameron648
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    I have a question

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Hey guys. I have a question. I recently finished all three Rocksteady Arkham games i.e. Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight. Now I want to play Arkham Origins. So, I read reviews about it and I am convinced to play it. I read that Arkham Origins is Backwards Compatible on Xbox One, and it says that it is only Backwards Compatible on disc. I know it is a very obvious question, but I still wanted to ask, because it doesn't cost anything to ask a question.

    So, my question is that, is Arkham Origins backwards compatible on it's disc of Xbox 360, because I wasn't able to find any Arkham Origins disc of Xbox One?? And if yes, so should I buy an Xbox 360 disc of Arkham Origins and just insert it in my Xbox One?? Will I be able to play the game?? I live in India. Will that affect the game?? Because I read that the game has something called 'region lock', sort of thing.

    submitted by /u/Punyae3671
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    Looking for an image

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 05:27 AM PST

    Is anyone able to find me a clean image of Azrael shaking Batman's hand at the end of Heir to the Cowl in Arkham Knight? I think it would make for an awesome background.

    submitted by /u/godofscag
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    20:45 Freddie Prinze Jr. Has anyone else seen this?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 06:20 AM PST

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