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    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    Batman Arkham Don't forget to pay a christmas visit.

    Batman Arkham Don't forget to pay a christmas visit.

    Don't forget to pay a christmas visit.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:10 PM PST

    My Best friend made me the coolest gift this year

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:08 PM PST

    When you've already beat your meat twice today but someone posts another Harley Quinn booty pic

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Got this for Christmas and I think it’s cool!

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:07 AM PST

    That sweet moment when you show the riddler who's boss.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:45 AM PST

    Merry Christmas

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:33 AM PST

    This game is gorgeous. ��

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:52 PM PST

    This is how the Batman Saved Christmas.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:49 AM PST

    I was gifted today Arkham VR, so now I can say my collection is complete.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:31 PM PST

    My Final Ranking Of The Arkham Games

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:39 PM PST

    1. Arkham Knight (9/10)

    2. Arkham Asylum (10/10)

    3. Arkham Origins (20/10)

    4. Arkham City (8474737838382/10)

    submitted by /u/NaeemLikeShady
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    Merry Christmas from Mr.Cobblepot

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 07:41 AM PST

    How to get past the epilogue with catwoman?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:41 AM PST

    So last week i thiught of revisiting arkham city and I've beat the main game but I'm on the catwoman mission wherw you've to go to the museum to get your stuff back from two face. The problem is I didn't spend any xp on catwoman and now I cant get pas the fight with two face's goons in the museum. And sicne i can't swithc to batman until i complete that mission it is really hard to gain any exp. I'm stuck what should i do?

    submitted by /u/shaktimaanlannister
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    Nightwing patrolling Blüdhaven

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:28 AM PST

    A little piece I did for Christmas

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:20 PM PST

    I've just started Arkham Knight and have a few questions about how leveling works in this game.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:36 AM PST

    Recently I've been playing through the Arkham games (after years of mainly sitting on a couch next to a friend who owned it and occasionally trying it out). After finishing Asylum & City (not 100%, mostly the story & side missions such as riddler stuff. The only things I haven't completed in both games are the arcade style challenges...)

    After starting Knight though, I've got a few questions about how leveling up works. Initially, I thought that it was like in previous games where defeating groups of enemies grant a certain amount on exp based on your performance in the fight. So in Arkham City for example, I would wander around finding groups, beating them & leveling up to upgrade my gear, etc. This doesn't seem to work in Arkham Knight as only certain encounters end with the chart describing how much exp I have earned (I've only experienced it in side & story missions so far).

    I also checked through the Waynetech tab to see how much exp is necessary to level up, then went into a group of enemies and beat them but it appears as though I didn't gain any exp. I might be doing something wrong or perhaps I'm still too early in the game (just finished the first mission at the Ace Chemicals facility) for any random encounters to provide exp?

    I'm the type who prefers taking their time with these games and doing side stuff, upgrading as much as I can, then progressing through the main story once I'm satisfied with what I have (usually everything that's available up to that point). So I'm looking forward to any answers or suggestions to how leveling up and upgrade points works in Arkham Knight.

    submitted by /u/Ririruro
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    Batman: Arkham Demon (Batman 5)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:28 PM PST

    Hi there! I'm new to this subreddit, but I've been playing around with these ideas for a while. While Arkham Knight was my favorite (possibly an unpopular opinion for the fans of the Arkham series), I didn't like Batman's ending. So I wrote the story for the 5th video game in the series so that I can resolve that.

    I know we're supposed to hear news soonish about the next Batman game, but I started my writing before hearing that.

    So I want to share my story with you.

    Batman 5: Arkham Demon

    Overview: In this final sequel of the Batman Arkham series, you play as various members of the "Bat Family" in order to rescue Bruce Wayne / Batman from his illness, and allow him to properly, and happily retire. At some point in the Arkham Demon story, you will have to select one person from the "Bat Family" to become the new Batman, and head up the family.

    Summary from Batman: Arkham Knight ending: Batman captures all the big criminals, defeats Scarecrow, and at least convinces Jason Todd (soon to be Red Hood) to give up the crusade against Gotham and Batman, if not more. But Batman / Bruce Wayne never got the cure for the "Joker Plague" he was infected with in Batman: Arkham City. He may have mentally prevented the Joker from taking over his whole personality, but after Wayne Manor blows up with Batman / Bruce Wayne and his trusted butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a new ultra-violent wraith begins brutalizing the criminals of Gotham in a terrifying manner.

    Bat Family:

    Nightwing / Dick Grayson: The first Robin that Batman ever recruited, Nightwing is an unmatched acrobat. Even through the loss of his family, and all the trials he went through, he always kept a happy and upbeat attitude, often joking in the face of death and danger.

    Jason Todd / Red Hood: The second Robin that Batman recruited. Jason was a street urchin that Bruce Wayne adopted to save him from a life of petty crime (or worse). But Jason was impulsive and got himself captured and "killed" by Joker. He later returned as Arkham Knight to get revenge on Batman and Gotham, but was convinced to stop by Batman. He became the vigilante Red Hood who is very violent, and prone to outright killing his enemies.

    Tim Drake / Red Robin: Batman never really recruited Tim Drake. Tim is ultra-intelligent, and noticed that Batman seemed changed after the disappearance of Robin (Jason Todd). So Tim deduced Batman's identity in order to save him from his self-destructive behavior. In doing so, Tim became the new Robin. Tim Drake is a better detective than Batman, and is able to use his intelligence to overcome any enemy.

    Barbara Gordon / Batgirl / Oracle: Barbara is the daughter of the police commissioner, and crossed Batman's path several times. She decided to become Batgirl to fight crime like Batman. Later, Batman brought her into the fold after she proved herself capable. She is very intelligent, and is more capable with a computer than anyone else. Joker, knowing her only as the commissioner's daughter, shoots and paralyzes her. Though she loses her physical prowess, she decides to become Oracle, an activist using her unparalleled computer skills to coordinate with the Bat Family and beyond.

    Kate Kane / Batwoman: Kate is Bruce Wayne's cousin, but didn't know Batman's identity til later. Though she was drummed out of the military for being a lesbian, Kate decided to use her military training to become Batwoman. Kate has better leadership skills than any of the other Bat Family. She mirror's Batman's ideology the vast majority of the time, but believes that if no other option presents itself, killing the target can be used as a last resort.

    Part 1, Chapter 1: Nightwing is off fighting some Gotham gang members in some random city. They are trying to procure a mystical or powerful weapon for a fabled war that is coming to Gotham. By pure coincidence during the mission he comes across Alfred Pennyworth living in luxurious retirement. Alfred was supposed to be right next to Batman when the Wayne Mansion exploded, so Dick quickly deduces that if Alfred is alive, then so must be Bruce Wayne. Either during the mission, or after, Dick confronts Alfred and gets him to admit that Bruce is still alive, and still in Gotham.

    Chapter 2: Nightwing calls the entire Bat Family together to discuss this. They summarize what's going on in Gotham:

    1.) A rumor of a wraith is attacking criminals. 2.) That wraith is starting to brutalize and cripple even low level white-collar criminals. I.E. Semi-shady accountants are having the piss beat out of them, and most of them are severely hospitalized. Some have even died. 3.) If Alfred survived the blast that leveled Wayne Manor, then Bruce did, too. That wraith is probably Bruce who has sacrificed everything for the Bat Family in order to entirely save Gotham and prevent his friends from getting injured. 4.) Bruce was never cured from the Joker Plague. It may be that this illness is causing him to act this way. 5.) While no open warfare has taken over the city, the various gangs are starting to go to war with each other.

    They decide that Bruce needs to be saved from himself, cured of the Joker Plague, and finally allowed to retire in happiness.

    Thus begins Part 1 of the main story: Each member of the Bat Family has to accomplish various tasks in order to further the plot to rescue Batman from himself. And with this, it's revealed that the main villain of Batman: Arkham Demon is...

    Batman. Batman himself is the main villain. He's scary, he's ultra-accomplished, he's a better fighter than any one member of the Bat family, and he's now more uninhibited than them, too.

    Part 1 will reincorporate some features of the older games. Most importantly the ability to switch characters Ala Batman: Arkham City's switching between Batman and Catwoman. There will be several points throughout the city you'll have to travel to in order to switch. Each member of the Bat Family will have several missions that they have to personally finish, as well as a handful of general missions that you could choose any Bat Family member to complete.

    Part 1 will also add a new feature to the game: Civilians. In every single Batman game so far, the entire city has been at war, and empty. In Arkham Asylum, the nuthouse has already been taken over by the criminals. In Arkham City, the city itself is an isolated prison where the prison wardens have lost control. In Arkham Origins, all the civilians have gone to bed on Christmas Eve, and the criminals are the only people still out and about. In Arkham Knight, Scarecrow's Fear Toxin has forced an evacuation of the city. The only people remaining are criminals.

    In Arkham Demon, the city is mostly returned to normal. There will be citizens interspersed in the environment in Part 1. People will be driving their cars around town. Some missions will require you to save them. Some missions will require to fight among them, and literally save them mid-fist fight.

    This is a list of the general type of missions each Bat Family Member will be required to complete before advancing to Part 2:

    Nightwing: Much like Arkham Knight, Nightwing must track down and destroy weapon shipments making their way into Gotham.

    Red Hood: Jason's mission is to simply intercept and stop incoming mercenaries who are being hired for some impending "war."

    Red Robin: Tim's mission is to infiltrate scientific and medical companies in order to cure the Joker Plague.

    Batwoman: Kate's mission is to confront several minor gangs to take them down and prevent their participation in the impending "war." These can be used to highlight third rate villains like Calendar Man or Kite Man.

    Oracle: Barbara has several missions where she must figure out how Batman is picking his targets, and try to prevent them. Her missions will be very clunky, slow and frustrating compared to the rest of the bat family. For example, she'll need to use her computer to do most of the work, but often she'll need to break away to grab a book or use another piece of tech. And the movement in her wheel chair will be difficult to get used to.

    Predator Mode: There will be a new way to tackle enemies in this game. The old predator mode will be renamed Stealth Mode. Basically you pick off heavily armed enemies one by one with stealth and from unseen perches until they are all incapacitated.

    But with the presence of Civilians in the game, and how sometimes you'll be rushed to save them or defeat the enemies before an event takes place, the new Predator Mode is put into the game. Basically you use your perches as before, but you strike instant incapacitating blows in a manner that shields you from harm, but is very noisy. For example, if there are a group of goons, you could line up your attack so that when you swing down to hit them, the momentum carries you over into an area that they can't immediately get to you. And then you'd quickly set up your next predator attack before they can discover where you are.

    General Missions: These missions will vary, but generally are about intercepting Batman, trying to stop him, and trying to talk to him. Some of these missions will be gated behind Bat Family missions. I.E. One mission could open up after Oracle realizes that Medical Company "A" is dirty, and Red Robin infiltrates them to work on the cure. An example mission could be you having to go in, save all those medical employees while Batman picks them off one-by-one.

    And most importantly, the player will be on the RECEIVING end of the Stealth + Predator Mode and terror that Batman can inspire. For the most part, the player is expected to fail to prevent Batman's goals.

    Riddler Missions: Arkham Demon will change things up a little bit. Instead of tracking down HUNDREDS of Riddler Riddles, chotchkis, and other challenges, the Bat Family is going to catch Riddler in the act of setting up his riddles. The twist is that there will be no Riddles! There will be something else, though...

    Part 2: This is the biggest part, and shows the return of Alfred to Gotham. After another meeting of the Bat Family, it is decided that "Batman" must make his return in order to scare and defeat the gangs of Gotham. The family then tasks Alfred with picking the new Batman. He is the most trusted person in the inner circle. You will get to briefly play as Alfred, and get to choose who the new Batman will be. Once this person is picked, they become the main character for the entirety of Part 2. No switching characters. This will add a large amount of replayability to the game. Much of the story will change or be different based on who is wearing "The Cowl" of Batman. (Alfred can try to pick Barbara Gordon, but she will turn it down.)

    The Player Character will retain all the traits of that character, and pick up some generic batman-like abilities they didn't have previously. I.E. Pick Nightwing and you still have an acrobatic and quick batman, with extra tools and gliding abilities. Pick Red Hood and you basically have a Batman that carries a pair of guns with him.

    Part 2 will begin on the Second Night of Gotham. In all the previous games, the entire game happened in one night. Each of the Bat Family will still have their missions, but it'll be your job as the new Batman to help them accomplish it. For example, instead of switching characters like Arkham City, you'll now fight side by side with the Bat Family like Arkham Knight.

    And in Part 2, the war begins. Every faction is fighting with every other faction for control over Gotham. The 2 Face Crowd is taking on Riddler Goons and actually fighting each other.

    For the most part, the Family Missions will be similar to those from Part 1, but you'll be doing them alongside that hero, instead of solo. Except for the missions where you picked that character to be batman. I.E. If you pick Red Robin, he keeps doing the medical missions to cure Batman, but has to do them alone. When you're fighting alongside the family, you can switch between characters while fighting much like Arkham Knight did.

    The batmobile will unlock in Part 2, and be similar to what you see in Arkham Knight. But now you're no longer fighting an army, so you will be tasked with keeping the destruction to a minimum.

    Another added bonus for this story will that friends of Batman will hear that Batman has returned, and they will show up to welcome him back and tell him how much they miss him. Then those friends will figure out that it's not Bruce at varying speeds. And who the player picks will change how those friends will react to Batman.

    For example, at one point Superman will show up. He will immediately recognize that Bruce is not Batman. For Nightwing, he'll immediately acknowledge Dick Grayson, congratulate him (Nightwing is named after a Kryptonian hero, because Dick is a personal friend of Superman) and then ask what's going on. For Tim Drake, he'll recognize him, and be concerned that Batman is missing. For Red Hood, he'll recognize Jason was supposed to be dead, and will be sympathetic and helpful. For Batwoman, he will recognize that she's a woman in disguise, but won't know her personally. (Superman goes up to Batwoman disguised a Batman, and asks, "Who are you?" She replies with voice modulator, "I'm Batman." "No, really, who are you?" Kate replies, "I'm Batman!!" Superman leans in and whispers, "X-Ray Vision..." And Kate then decides to briefly drop the facade.)

    Another point, Green Arrow will show up and join the player on a mission. Green Arrow will recognize a Batman carrying guns as not being right, and will ask what's going on. (But Green Arrow doesn't necessarily have a problem killing enemies.) GA will eventually recognize Dick Grayson because Nightwing is a good friend of GA's own sidekick. GA will recognize an ultra analytical Batman, and figure out that that it's not Bruce. Green Arrow will eventually recognize that Batman is a woman, and try to hit on her. (← Needs something different.)

    And this can be done several times, especially for founding members of the Justice League. For example, Wonder Woman can figure out it's not Bruce Wayne after Kate Kane turns off any voice modifiers and (needs something different)... Green Lantern can figure out that it's not Bruce after Batman doesn't treat him like a joke.

    Storyline: The rough story will revolve around War Games story line from the comics. Basically it's an extremis situation in which a mythical gangster provokes a war between all the gangs in order to kill them all and take over. It was just a hypothetical, but with the ill Bruce Wayne, he may just push the entire crazy story forward.

    Batman Collectibles Mission: With Riddler having been caught in Part 1, it'll be your task to now hunt down "clues" and other "memories" that Batman has placed throughout the city. The idea is that some part of Batman's subconscious either misses the family and / or is rebelling against the Joker Plague, and is placing "shrines" around Gotham about his important moments. For example, there will be a shrine to his parents, but it won't be in the middle of crime alley. It'll be hidden nearby. There could be a shrine to where Batman met Selina, and where Jason Todd stole the wheels off the Batmobile. There will be fewer collectibles than the Riddler challenges of previous games, but each will be a little bit more difficult, and significantly more meaningful, possibly with short cut scenes.

    Catwoman Missions:* With the cure being right around the corner, you need to track down Selina Kyle, convince her to listen to you, and convince her to help.

    DLC: The Downloadable Content will be structured according to how it was in Arkham Knight. There will be a series of add-on missions presenting new story lines, and each will be different depending on who is wearing the cowl.

    DLC #1 The Son of Batman: An unknown teenager shows up challenging the new Batman in various ways trying to prove the new bearer of "The Cowl" is unworthy of wearing it. It's eventually revealed to be Damian Wayne, who is actually Bruce's Son, and is brought in to the family (but has no real role outside of the DLC Missions). Damian joins Batman for one final mission (in the DLC) after the player proves themselves to be a competent Batman.

    DLC #2 The Spoiler: A new vigilante appears, but only seems to battle one specific gang in Gotham. The player must confront, stop, or aid this vigilante in their crusade. The option will be hard coded in based on the player choice. For example, Tim Drake will help her (and catch hell from Oracle for doing so). Jason Todd will see an extremely naive young vigilante, and try to stop it. Dick Grayson will see the hopeful exuberance of Spoiler, and help. Kate Kane will see someone on her own road, and stop the Spoiler.

    DLC #3 Batwing: The son of Bat Friend Lucius Fox has been working on a mechanized suit for years, and decides this is the time to unveil it, despite the danger of this particular night. Lucas Fox appears as Batwing, and tries to be helpful. Lucius Fox (his father) demands that the new Batman stops Lucas, or will shut off all aid from Wayne Corp (Lucius is the new owner since the disappearance of Bruce Wayne). Based on the player choice (basically the opposite of what happens in DLC #2), the player helps Batwing and convinces Lucius that he's wrong, or the player hinders Batwing and makes Lucias happy. Dick Grayson sees someone who has everything, and tries to convince Batwing that there are better ways to help. Kate Kane sees someone who almost mirrors her own beliefs and helps him. Tim Drake only sees the technology and how it can help, and directs Batwing in that direction. Jason Todd sees someone who has thought through all angles, and still decides to jump into danger, and wants to help him.

    DLC #4 Anarky?: Lonnie Macchen finally makes his return! But he seems to be fighting to stop the war. The player is given a choice whether to stop him, or secretly help him.

    DLC #4 Azrael?: Azrael's mind warping training manifests itself through ultra violent attacks on enemies of the church. The problem is that they aren't enemies, or aren't enemies any longer. All the various different Batman choices will stop him, but what changes is how they stop him. Dick Grayson may try to talk him out of the psychosis. Tim Drake may try to hack his brain and remove the brain programming. Kate Kane may try to direct his targets to something useful. Jason Todd may kill him.

    DLC Episode 1: Catwoman handles her grief of the death of Batman the only way she knows how. By stealing expensive jewelry. Play a Pre-Demon story where she must sneak in, and then get out in the manner you choose (fight or stealth).

    DLC Episode 2: Kate Kane struggles to keep separate her mission from that of her Father's. Colonel Kane still tries to interfere and direct Batwoman, but she comes across another girl suffering from her own issues with her father. Takes place in the opera house as the ballet is either preparing to show, or just finishing. Batwoman must help Cassandra Cain defeat and get away from her father.

    DLC Episode 3: The Cult of Joker strikes on the anniversary of his death! But the entire family is caught up doing their own thing. No one is available, so Barbara Gordon reveals a secret piece of technology she's been working on for years: a mechanized skeleton that bypasses her severed spinal cord that allows her to walk, run, and even fight. The Batgirl must go on one more mission. But the suit isn't perfect or ready. It breaks down, it's clumsy, and Batgirl must remember how to hunt and fight while people are trying to kill her.

    And that's all I have! You can see at some parts it's rough. Like I can't make up my mind what some of the DLC should be. Or how to incorporate some of the Bat Friends. The general storyline is there. Basically someone (hint hint!) triggered an all out gang war in the city and it's up to you to stop it and rescue Batman. The details aren't all there (I.E. Red Robin's third stop in the main story is at XY Medical...), but the gist of solving the problem and winning is.

    Lastly, I'm not an employee or a game developer. Just a big fan of the series (it's probably my favorite Batman story across movies, cartoons, TV shows, and comics).

    submitted by /u/Danneskjold184
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    Did anyone else play the shit out of Arkham Origins Multiplayer

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:12 PM PST

    That was so fun, flawed, but fun

    submitted by /u/coope571
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    Every Time

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Silent Predator

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:52 PM PST

    Using the force

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:42 AM PST

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