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    Friday, July 16, 2021

    Batman Arkham DC Collectibles Hammer and Sickle, Harley and Penguin

    Batman Arkham DC Collectibles Hammer and Sickle, Harley and Penguin

    DC Collectibles Hammer and Sickle, Harley and Penguin

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    downloaded knight again I now remember why I deleted it when I last played this tank battle with the knight is just too hard for me ��as soon as you shoot at him and drive as fast as you can he catches up even tho his tank is way bigger like ��

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Found another trophy

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Anyone interested in playing Arkham Origins Online on PS3?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 04:58 PM PDT

    Every single one of us when we saw Joker in this scene!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    Legend has it no thug ever went up there again…

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Gaming detail from Arkham City that I don’t think has been shared here before

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    Just started Arkham knight again….

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    Fuxkimg amazing game. Love every bit of it. Talk to me about it

    submitted by /u/Subxanthium
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    Just finished asylum for the first time...

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    I loved 90% of the game, but GOOD LORD were the boss fights bad. The only one I found enjoyable was killer crock, because it was genuinely scary having him break the silence and start running at you. Poison ivy was ok, but still had the same issue as the bane(s) and joker fights: you aren't fighting the boss. Your fighting goons, and the punching the boss a bit. It just feels like what I've been doing for the last 7 hours of the game, but with a health bar in the top right. Bane is quite possibly the easiest fight in any video game I've played, but the goons are thrown in to simply band-aid the lack of difficulty. It's even worse with joker. Not once is there any sort of dynamic when you're fighting. You beat up some goons, pull him down, punch him three times, rinse and repeat. I'm starting my play the of Arkham city, I hope the bosses are better than just "punching goons until the boss is dead".

    submitted by /u/spooneater54
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    i fell through the ground in batman arkham knight and it saved just as i fell ��

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    [i fixed this]

    this sucks

    please read the description and help me please please please

    submitted by /u/LooneyLlamaYT
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 11:58 PM PDT

    I think he saw me...

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:02 PM PDT

    Black Mask Most Wanted didn't start?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    Arkham Origins: I keep hearing its after you find out about the Joker but u already did that and it isn't unlocked did I miss something?

    submitted by /u/uh06
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    So I was playing batman arkham knight (a flip of a coin DLC) and I had heard a whisper from a picture of a woman

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Is it just the Joker's laugh gas

    submitted by /u/Psychological_Fee247
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    The Long Halloween Trophy

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    This is the last trophy I need to get the platinum. I have started New Story+ and I have completed the Crane side op, but the trophy hasn't popped up yet.

    Do I need to fully complete the main story? That's not what the trophy description says...

    EDIT: I was thinking about Crane as he was Hush, I messed those characters XD. Yes, now the trophy description makes sense.

    submitted by /u/Jalongado
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    I just finished Asylum for the first time.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    What is the point of the hand grabbing the titan crate? Ik that there is a chance for 3 different characters to grab it and I got bane, but just why is it there to begin with?

    submitted by /u/Higginsflash
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    How do I beat Joker’s carnival in Arkham city???

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    This challenge requires you to get 1,000,000 points and I've been trying forever. My highest score is around 600,000 points and that's because I bank them at level 6, if I can even get there without getting hit or losing my combo.

    For the sake of my sanity, is there anything that could make the level less insane? My game is on hard mode rn, idk if that means that the challenge is on hard mode too. I've tried tutorials, I've tried looking it up on forums already and the answers haven't been very helpful.

    Knowing that I have to beat this challenge four times if I wanna finish the game is driving me crazy. I'm open to cheat codes, commands, techniques, tricks, anything at all.

    submitted by /u/Smalleycat
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    What are you doing step thug???

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    First time on hard game plus :D

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    Not good with editing, but looks ok

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 10:24 AM PDT

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