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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Batman Arkham Try and tell me I’m wrong

    Batman Arkham Try and tell me I’m wrong

    Try and tell me I’m wrong

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:14 PM PST

    Sharing the EVA Foam Joker’s Dart Gun I built!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:22 AM PST

    Evolution of Bruce Wayne's parents death throughout out the Arkham games.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:01 AM PST

    When the only friend in the friends leaderboard is yourself :(

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:31 AM PST

    Batman Arkham Knight: Wanted #13

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:18 AM PST

    I think Batman's being a bit too cruel here

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:21 AM PST

    They know they're screwed at this point ��

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:37 PM PST

    When you find an easy way to beat Deathstroke on Knightmare mode ��

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:29 PM PST

    Replaying Arkham Origins and getting all these annoying bugs and seeing people say it was underrated.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:38 PM PST

    This really weird and funny glitch I found in Arkham City

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:19 AM PST

    Spicy take: venting my issues with Arkham Knight's combat, for posterity

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:15 AM PST

    I have to vent about this after reigniting a years-old anger by loading up Arkham Knight again. Most similar posts over the years seem to be littered with dismissive responses, which is bizarre, because most of these issues are pretty obvious and repeatable. In my opinion, at least.

    So, the preface, I just finished up City's challenges again (3rd time doing the full set since Xbox has 3 stacks of City) so I figured I'd force myself to go back to some of the ones I never finished for Knight just because (I do have all the achievements but neglected most of the optional challenges because my opinion of the game wasn't very high from a mechanical aspect). It's been a few years so I figured, maybe time has weathered my scathing opinion of the combat somewhat?

    Alas, all it's done is remind me of all of the issues I had with it.

    Why do medics (and honestly, most geared opponents in general, and speciality enemies like ninjas) have such low priority? Why will shocked enemies get such high priority even out of batclaw-type moves? Why can brutes literally attack so fast, especially in later rounds, to where half the time you can't even evade over an enemy fast enough to avoid them? Scrub both the former, why do shocked enemies and brutes exist at all? Brutes attack way too often and way too fast for how few moves you're able to use to deal with them, shocked enemies garner odd priorities that demand you drop everything and deal with them and you can mostly just deal with them in one way. The fact that they exclude both of these enemies depending on which character you're playing should be telltale enough that not enough thought has been given to them. They didn't shy away from making Catwoman fight Lieutenants and Titans in City, because they didn't have to.

    Why do blade dodge takedowns on round 3 and above feel nearly impossible? It's a combination of both speed and odd windows, frankly - I never miss even the quick 360 ninja blade attack in NG+ of City but here I miss more than half of even basic knife takedowns. Here I feel like it's a combination of both missing something and the system actually being stupid, but who knows. Why is there autosnap on gun thugs (example: beating guy down, takes me out of that beatdown and sends me across the screen to punch gun thug because I'm pressing X, instantly shield bashed by enemy next to him)? The fact that there's no setting for THIS HORSESHIT ESPECIALLY is insane. It is by far my biggest gripe. Here's a fun one, two gun thugs loading at the same time a stun baton attack is incoming on wave 4 of Hand of God as I'm trying to hit a medic with X to stop a revive. Yeah you better believe I didn't 3 star that one. Making the gun attack simultaneous to other enemies' attacks yet giving it snap priority is such nonsense. It was treated separate like any other attack in City, and for good reason. Did I mention they give snap priority to this but not the ninja's aerial attack? Not that I'd want it there either, but the only time a gun has caught me off guard in this game is when I wasn't expecting it (it won't snap you to the gun guy if you're too far from them even if you could still hit them with something, wonderfully thought out...) That ninja attack, though...

    What in the hell have they done to ground pounds? Heavily range-limited compared to City, and you have to wait eons for the enemy to finish ragdolling after an ultra stun to actually ground pound them. I have un-ironically had times where I ultra stun, evade, and that's still not enough time for the enemy to finish moving to be actually knocked out via ground pound because some characters recover from an ultra stun and evade faster than others. Ridicuous. Leading off that, the "ability" to hit enemies on the ground should not exist. I'm sorry, it's stupid. It's such a flow-breaker when an enemy you shouldn't be expecting to hit eats an attack over an enemy you were trying to hit. Leading off that, weapons are some nonsense. The idea isn't bad in practice, and they have their uses, but they're easily the most unpolished aspect. Beating down enemy with weapon in hand for extra damage can prematurely drop the weapon and you phase through the enemy and drop combo. This happens shockingly often, especially with ninjas, and with some specific characters like Nightwing. Hit priority gets even weirder with one equipped too, and using them to actually hit enemies is super sub-optimal for most of these challenge maps especially.

    This is all that I've re-encountered after a few hours of just the combat. I know there's probably more but I'm caught in a loop of try and load up, play a few maps, encounter some nonsense, quit again while asking myself "why it be like that". I can't really remember whether I liked the predator of Knight or not and I'm not sure I want to try it out again to see whether I did or not.

    This is the major stuff. I could break out some of the more nitpicky ones but I really want to focus this on the stuff that from a gameplay perspective actually feels designed worse than previous iterations. I know a lot of this just sounds like rambling bullshit. Or problems the average player won't encounter or notice. And that's cool. But I can tell you right now, Scarecrow's fear gas wouldn't work on me because this is already my worst nightmare. The amount of half-baked mechanics tossed into this one is staggering. City's combat is immaculate in my opinion. Few things I'd fix or change, but nothing I'd add. But Knight just feels undercooked, like it needed more QA for the feature-creep which it seems to have never gotten (I mean if PC was anything to go by, I think their QA was a bit short-staffed). I want to like this! City's eternally in my top 5 of games. But I can't justify putting Knight anywhere close.

    I hope at least one person is either empathetic to or entertained by my plight. Mostly, I just wanted to have my thoughts jotted down somewhere so that I can actually remember the reasons why I parrot myself saying that I don't think the combat of Knight is done well. But I'd be happy to hear anyone else's take, as well, whether they like the combat or not.

    submitted by /u/CodeMonkeys
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    Day 26 of posting my Arkham Knight screenshots.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:32 PM PST

    Hello, newbie here with some questions

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:35 PM PST

    Hi, I have been a fan for as long as I can remember but due to situations I never managed to play all the games.

    I played Origins on mobile(please don't laugh), I got Origins for 3ds some years ago, I finished Origins on PC main story today and want to start Knight soon.

    My questions are: what other story content do remain for me to go through on Origins? I heard that I can find and battle Deadshot and Lady Shiva, I also have two more slots left empty on my profiles(and they aren't DS nor Shiva) who are they? What about criminals that don't have the "captured" text over them when I hover their profiles(such as Penguin, Black Mask and Joker)

    Also, how more demanding is Knight compared to Origins? Will I enjoy it more than Origins? Why? Does it have any online play? (I heard Xbox Origins still has but PC Origins has been shut down, never heard about 3ds and don't remember because I haven't played it in a long time)

    Thanks for your help :)

    Oh and I just wanna say that the super dosed Bane at the end of Origins is some nightmare fuel

    submitted by /u/crawdaddy-
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    Which is my favorite

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:53 PM PST

    My performance in the Arkham games is bad for no reason, didn't change any PC settings. What's the fix?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:24 PM PST

    I have an AMD card, so I know my 5700XT isn't going to be entirely optimal. I know that PhysX on or off doesn't make too much of difference since it's on the CPU load now.

    I was playing Origins and before the final fight with Bane, I was dipping to 60fps, from the 165fps with max settings I had for the entire game. I don't know what changed? Updating drivers didn't work, lowering the settings didn't work.

    I know these are old gaming engines, but clearly something with my CPU SMT could be the issue. I could be wrong, but I was reading on steam forums, the early Arkham games don't run well with modern SMT features.

    If someone needs me to fetch logs or take screen shots, just ask

    thank you

    submitted by /u/KorbanyteManuever5
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    Spoiler-free & canon reading order for Arkham City and Arkham Knight-related comics

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:20 AM PST

    [Knightmare] Bringing Killer Croc in 02:52min (once more��)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:23 PM PST

    I really, really need a video of the old arkham asylum XMB that would appear if you hovered over the application on the PS3. I can't find it anywhere online, you'd be doing me such a huge favour if anyone could provide me with a link or anything, something. Thankyou.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:04 PM PST

    If you need more context, it's the photo of joker with his TV head, on front of the asylum gate outside the mansion, with videos from the game playing on his screen with the music that plays when you have that big fight with thugs in the mansion.

    submitted by /u/Sgt_kane
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    Finally completed Arkham Knight! Here are my thoughts on all three games

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:19 AM PST

    I'd love to play Origins but I only played on PS4 so....

    2. Excellent atmosphere. There's a feeling of dread and horror in this game that none of the sequels ever truly captured. This is also the most tight and focused out of the three games and that's most likely because it isn't an open world. I also don't mind the limited gameplay because I feel it adds to the feeling of vulnerability in the player. The riddler trophies were really fun in this game and I loved following the story of Amadeus Arkham and listening to the patient interview tapes. The boss fights in this game are basically the same titan fight over and over again (execpt for Poison Ivy) but it makes up for it with really cool levels like Killer Croc and the Scarecrow segments (The part where I thought the game was broken is my favorite moment in all three of these games) This is probably an unpopular opinion but I really loved the ending where after all the horror and tension in the Asylum Batman goes on to stop Two-face like it was all just another night for him. Overall this has the best pacing of all the 3 games and is the only one where I didn't feel like stopping to take a break at any point while playing the story or solving riddles.


    4. This was such an awesome game! Probably not the holy grail of superhero games some people make it out to be but it was still a damn good game. The boss fights got so much better in this game and there so many memorable sepieces like the court house, steel mill, museum, wonder tower, and the monarch theater. The open world was relatively small but each part of the city had a landmark or purpose and it made the experience so memorable. By the time I completed the game I basically know the map by heart. All the characters were portrayed really well except for Talia who was only there to be the love interest, damsel in distress and to die. Talia also has the most generic dialogue in the entire series like "You two deserve each other" Other than her the villains were all great and the Joker singing "Only you" in the credits was genuinely chilling. The final "Twist' was something that was spoiled for me but that only allowed me to notice all the little hints throughout which really added to the experience. A lot of the side missions were really cool like when you team up with bane or when you track down Hush or listen to Zsasz messed up life. Deadshot's encounter was really underwhelming but the mission up to that point was still pretty fun. There were WAY too many riddler trophies but the hostages helped even it out and it was still very satisfying to take him down. I guess my only problem with the game is that it feels kind of disjointed as I was playing. I don't know how to describe it but it felt like the story was always making up excuses to get from point a to point b. The whole game is essentially a wild goose chase with the cure somehow always being delayed. It sort felt like many episodes of the animated series loosely stitched together. Some examples of this are when Batman has to go to 3 different places in the map just to get inside the museum. Or when the cure is suddenly useless and now batman has to find Ra's Al Ghul and then has to fight Mr. Freeze for reasons that were kind of stupid. The reasoning behind the Mr. Freeze boss battle was really dumb but the fight itself is definitely the best in the entire series. There were also some parts of the game that were given significant weight but ended up not mattering at all. Strange knowing Batman's identity lead nowhere and Batman's decision to prioritize Arkham City over saving Talia didn't affect her death in any significant way. Talia would have died anyway and the emotional weight they gave Batman choosing to save the city first was basically rendered meaningless. I didn't care about Talia's death since she has no chemistry with Bruce and their romance came out of nowhere but I still would have liked it if Bruce Wayne suffered the consequences of being Batman. It sounds like I'm really hating on this game but that's mostly because these problems detract from an overall amazing game. Everything from Asylum was significantly improved except the story, pacing and atmosphere. The combat, stealth and boss battles were perfection and the music is the best out of all the games. Overall I prefer Asylum a little bit more but this is still a great game.


    -If you ask me, this is easily the best game in the entire series but oddly enough it's also the one I have the most problems with? It's easily the most ambitious game and it has some of the best and worst storytelling in the entire series. Some parts blew my mind with how good it was but then were were some parts that were so underwhelming. The combat, stealth, and traversal have been polished to perfection and the batmobile was a welcome addition. I actually really enjoyed the tank battles but there were definitely too many of them and I wish they had been more creative with the actual boss battles. Some parts of the battles don't even make sense like Riddler being able to take multiple hits from Batman and Catwoman but freaking Deathstroke goes down in a single punch? I admire this game for the many risks it took like bringing the Joker back and putting so many lesser known villains like Pyg and man-bat in the side missions. Not all of the risks paid off like the Hush story being reduced to walking past a receptionist or bringing in Jason Todd even though he was never mentioned in any of the other games. Still, the good things in this game are really, REALLY good. The Joker acting as the devil on your shoulder throughout the game is so compelling and said a lot about Batman's fears and made for some genuinely funny moments. The Joker is easily the best part of the game and this is probably Mark Hamill's greatest performance as the character. The missions where you briefly see Batman's comradery with Nightwing and Robin were excellent however I will say that the level at Panessa studios felt disconnected from the actual story. The paralyzing of Barbara and Jason Todd flashbacks (even though it basically spoiled the Arkham Knight's identify) were really effective. I loved that you literally cannot turn away or interfere with what's going on. The transitions of these cinematics were amazing and helped immerse the player in what Batman's going through. The psychological and emotional aspect of Batman's character was really well done and helped humanize the flawed decisions he makes throughout the story. The last thirty minutes of the story couldn't be more perfect imo. Batman surrendering to Scarecrow. Fighting multiple Jokers in Crime Alley. The recreation of Arkham Asylum's intro. The unmasking of Bruce Wayne and the unveiling of Batman and Joker's worst fears before being saved by Red Hood and giving scarecrow a taste of his own medicine? It was all so damn good. The fact that Batman finally saying his iconic line isn't the best part of this ending says a lot about how good the last thirty minutes of this game was. This game had a lot of problems like a couple of weak side missions, underwhelming boss battles and the fact that the tank was integrated so much in the story and gameplay but the things this game does well are so good that it helps me forgive all those other problems. The Knighfall Protocol was kind of confusing but I think it works well with the story and the central theme of fear. Overall this was a great game that could have been greater. It's hard for me to rank all three because each has a quality the other doesn't have. I would love a batman game with the atmosphere of asylum, gameplay of knight, and setpieces and boss battles of city but then again the charm of this trilogy is that they all had something to offer. I had a blast playing all three games and I can't wait to replay it.

    submitted by /u/CharlieChapter
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    Gotham Needs The Batman

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:59 AM PST

    Answering The Call

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:23 AM PST

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